A Little Nibble

Published on 27 August 2024 at 12:53

31 days of Halloween Day #8

Humans can be..well nothing short of fun! We are strong, agile, and evolving but we are also incredibly squishy and fragile. There are a vast number of ways that your body can malfunction and kill you with little or no warning. (I’ll get into that a tad more later in the month)

Example: An aneurysm can go undetected until it bursts and kills you, or you can live your entire life and never know it's there, only the Thalamus would know. Let's see what else the brain can do with some mildly creepy facts.

Did you know?

The brain will protect itself by any means, even if it means absolute misery to you, or even death.

Inhaling smoke in the middle of a burning house? You may be in hero mode, or just woken up to the smell of smoke, but the brain needs a way to save itself first. The Brain will make you stop breathing and pass out.

Stuck in the middle of a cold place? Your brain, which doesn't feel pain won't even know it's cold, but because it basically always needs to drain 20% of your entire energy source it will preempt the needs it requires. You will fall asleep to conserve energy and never wake up again.

Does your brain need more oxygen? You will faint in the middle of a busy road, while driving or even while in dangerous situations. This has happened too many times to quantify in medical research numbers. (JAMA Research Paper @ 2008)

Had your leg torn off by a bear? Here's adrenaline so you can save your brain even if there's a huge risk of infection or further injury. It doesn't care about the package just the goods, and you are the flimsy breakable frame that carries to to safety

Is your brain experiencing too much stress? It will make you drink alcohol or resort to numerous styles of drugs. Often provoking you to which one it needs to maintain its survival over you. In fact, chronic stress has scientifically been proven to make your brain physically shrink, basically, it turns off neurons in the prefrontal cortex to once again save itself.

Your brain actually needs cholesterol to survive. Your brain is the fattiest organ in your entire body, so when your brain sends signals that you need that late-night snack, you're not hungry or bored. Your brain is telling you it needs a treat. When you don’t give in it pays you back by elevating the stress levels (see frontal lobe above) purposefully giving you nightmares, like a toddler having a tantrum

When not just a craving, your brain is actually a cannibal. The tens of thousands of neurons, require that constant energy source, if you try to keep them devoid of energy, they will start eating themselves, spreading a ruckus around your brain. When your stomach is rumbling with hunger, your neurons are hungry too & this is when they begin to eat parts of themselves for energy. This very cannibalism is a part of the communication process urging you to eat a regular meal. If you don't it is also why you get “Hangry” (Basically another way your brain says listen to me or I will make you miserable!) This is a good example of why some of the wild fad diets are more harmful than not.

Side note speaking of cholesterol, what do you think your brain feels like? Well you may at first assume it's rubbery or firm, in reality, it's malleable like 3lbs of softened butter or even jello. It's so soft that even just a collision with the inside of the skull can cause brain damage or severe swelling

You and your brain work together most of the time, but when push comes to shove, you are sacrificed.

We are literally just walking meat puppets, with an enclosed bucket to protect our brains

You literally just never know if your body will just....die.

Something to think about.

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