Golden Eagle

Published on 27 August 2024 at 12:52

31 days of Halloween Day #20


This weekend is the Thunder Mountain Speedway AGM/Dinner and I sadly am going to miss out this year, but it got me thinking!

It’s the perfect time of year to blur the line between the real and the supernatural. I would like to introduce you to the “Golden Eagle”, a car with a reputation that could put Christine to shame. While it might sound like an utterly made-up narrative, the startling truth is that the car in Christine is based on a real-life killer car. —but the real-life Possessed car has a body count of at least fourteen people.

It all starts in 1965, Old Orchard Beach, Maine, where the police department purchased a new cruiser they nicknamed The Bullet a 1964 Dodge 330 LE, at that time it was a light pewter gray

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary; the car underwent the usual ins and outs of police work with Old Orchard cops on patrol.But it didn’t last long, it seems there was something strange about the car—an unspeakable and corrupting chill. Three officers who regularly used the car during duty and on patrol ended up committing murder-suicides. (1966, 1967 and in 1969) After the third police officer violently ended his family and himself, the Old Orchard Beach police department decided to get rid of the car. They sold it at auction to a local man, who almost immediately sold it to a fireman, who flipped it to a Doctor who was reported to be in a hurry to get rid of the cursed car. After only 4 months of ownership, He took it to a used lot and traded it in. The car made its way into the hands of a local family known as the Allens, specifically into Wendy Allen’s hands, a self-proclaimed gypsy witch. While many owners might take caution at inheriting a cursed vehicle, Ms. Allen fully embraced the car for its gruesome history. Perhaps sensing her good intentions, the car never caused her any personal harm. She was an artist, vibrant and creative. Known to be quite out there for her needs and wants. Flamboyant but kind, even though she kept strictly to herself and was a loner. Living in a smaller strictly religious town, the church and vandals had taken notice of her new purchase. With a congregation vocally concerned that the killer car may be possessed by a demon or otherwise possessed by dark forces. They did not want the car on the road or in their neighborhood. Some of the more youthful and spiteful congregation members took it upon themselves to vandalize Golden Eagle over the years. Each and every attack takes a bit of her vibrance away. However every vandal of Golden Eagle invariably seems to meet unpleasant and gruesome fates, often poetically or at the demise of another car.One vandal, who tried to steal the car, but was startled by a neighbor ran into an alley and was struck by a car and died on scene. Another was struck by an 18-wheeler and decapitated, a gruesome fate indeed; several other vandals were also subsequently killed in collisions with semi-trucks.Death by a semi is horrifying enough, but real-life Christine seems to be able to reach into the meteorological realm as well. One unfortunate vandal decided that it would be funny to deface the car, only to be struck and killed by lightning after the act, and another tried to light the car on fire and died in a house fire shortly after. Golden Eagle has a dark past, but it's not so distant either. In the late 2000s, a local teenager went to visit the car, evidently fascinated by the morbid history of this cursed car. He was a tad more than obsessed and found a way to be alone in the car, where he spent hours talking to, feeling the interior and even napping. He later stabbed his family to death and set their house on fire (Matthew Cushing is convicted and received maximum penalty of life imprisonment)Whether Golden Eagle placed dark notions into the young man’s soul, or whether she unearthed and brought to the surface simmering intentions, it seems clear that Golden Eagle had again reverted to driving people to murder.Fed up with the presence of what they believed to be a demonic object in their town, members of an Old Orchard Beach church decided to take action against the car one night. Without permission, they stole and dismantled Golden Eagle, selling the various parts off to different junkyards and chop shops, and scattering her parts in an effort to dispatch the presence once and for all.But that didn’t hinder Wendy Allen; she tracked the missing parts and bought the car back piece by piece until it was lovingly restored.Maybe, at the end of the day, all that the Golden Eagle needed was a little love.

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