Day #6 of 31 days of Halloween
I do have a soft spot for Vintage items, one Item that I gravitate towards is older cameras. I have quite a collection of Kodak's, like Brownie Jrs, A Panoram No.4 (sadly has never worked but still has an undeveloped film on the plane), I even have a No.2 Hawkette and almost all the parts to a Kodak Series 3.
I've recently gotten into 50s thru 70s Japanese handhelds, as I have been gifted a few Yashicas. A 1958 4A and this wonderful late 70s FX-3 that STILL works and takes amazing, natural grainy images I just can't get with my DSLRs
Did you know that in many cultures thru the decades the thoughts and superstitions about taking ones pictures range from; a camera steals your soul, that a blurry image can mean ill will and harm, that an image developed on film when reversed reveals apparitions of family past...and some more that are much more sinister
That's all they are. Superstitions. Spun tales to make ya think, to make you second guess a lil space and time of reality, of good vs evil...right?
I honestly believe in energies, when I hold an older camera I can practically feel the era. The smells. The sounds of state fairs. The feelings of family gatherings. The captured moments caught thru the lens that hold onto the moment whatever it may be.
Somedays I wonder what these old lenses saw!
What will you capture while taking your next photo?
Movie of the night... 2022's New Horror Thriller.
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