Robert The Doll
Robert The Doll has an unassuming face, with his small eyes, nubby lil nose, and a still but mischievous mouth. Made of straw and "born" in 1904 He was gifted to a young boy by the name of Robert-Eugene "Gene" Otto by his grandfathers servant.
Gene loved Robert. Obessed over him. They were inseparable. However not everyone was as thrilled with the doll.
When Robert the Doll was out, things would go missing. Move from room to room. Odd sounds of footsteps would be heard, voices, and even the faint sounds of a childlike giggle. Furniture would be overturned in the middle of the night, and when discovered by "Gene's" parents his only response was "Robert did it"
As the speculation goes, "Gene" would blame his mischievous ways on the Robert The Doll and as his behavior became more unruly, Robert the Doll's posession and malicious ways did too. Taking on all the negetive energies, it would seem the doll became possesed.
This is one of the oddest cases of a mass hysteria style haunt, with numerous case studies, countless documentaries, 5 or 6 different movie titles and more. 100s of people visit daily, and even more write letters to to Robert the Doll asking for forgiveness and to lift the curses he laid on them for not following his posessed requests.
He is said to be the oldest known and presumably haunted Doll, and currently resides in Florida at the Fort East Martello Museum.
Where he remains behind alarmed bullet proof glass. In a dimly lit room, where it is said there are only a few rules to see him.
1) Always be respectful2) Never speak ill of his former owners3) Never take his picture without permission And4) Ask if he wants to play?
If you wondering why I have a picture of one of my Chucky Dolls? Did you know the movie franchise Childs Play has real life, ties to Robert the Doll. That It was a direct inspiration for the Orginal scripts.

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