Kosbergs House image@ Eve Lazarus photo
Day #8 of 31 Days of Halloween
I always wondered about the Ax as a weapon, especially why it would even be a choice for a serious crime. Seems clunky and awkward, a skill not everyone can get right.
also Not a new idea, Lizzie Borden anyone?
really, no more odd than my recap of a milkshake essentially being the murder weapon.
I mean the only thing odd would be to have both a creamy cool dessert drink and a long-handled double-bladed weapon combined
I take you to the evening of December 10, 1965, the Kosberg family seemed like any other family waiting for Dad to get home from work in their Mount Pleasant home. The well-kept, organized home was where Osborne and Dorothy, were raising their children. Tom (17) Barry (15) Marianne (13) Gayle (11) and Vincent (2) and Baby Osboure Jr
Tom, the eldest of the children, had stopped at a drugstore before joining them, His last stop before home, where he had picked up a bottle of sleeping pills.
After arriving back at his residence, just before 7 pm. His mother was entertaining her friend Florence, and all the siblings were watching TV. Tom offered to make everyone a treat. He proceeded to use up to 25 sleeping pills as a concoction in a round of chocolate milkshakes. He even made one for Florence and saved some for his father who was expected home shortly.
Florence was startled awake, to find an empty room except for Tom sitting in a corner chair reading a book. The clock was set at 11 pm, almost on the dot. Where had the hours gone?
The air was thick with confusion as to why she would just fall asleep. The last she remembered was watching TV and chatting with her friend.
Now she was confused and oddly tired, while everyone had left her and gone to bed. Tom offered that she could stay the night, but Florence refused, rang for a taxi, and abruptly left.
As she did Osbourne Sr arrived home from his long shift with Allied Heat and Fuel Company.
He was greeted by his eldest son, with some dinner. They carried on a short conversation and ended the evening while enjoying his milkshake. It was a long day, and now almost 1 am so it was time for Osbourne to head upstairs and join his wife in bed.
Tom remained downstairs in the darkened family room. Daylight was still hours away, as the house was now still at 4 am.
It was reported that this is when Tom decided to go downstairs, he fetched a double-bitted ax, and proceeded to kill his family, first attacking his siblings,(Sparing the baby Osbourne in his crib) before turning against his parents.
According to police five of the six initial fatalities died in bed without a struggle. All of the victims were hacked in the head multiple times causing severe skull and brain injuries. However, according to the pathologist, none of them died instantaneously. In fact Marianne was rushed to Vancouver Children's Hospital Emergency in an attempt to save her, and then to VGH with numerous surgeries, She succumbed to her injuries 9 days later
After the murders, not much is known. It was reported that Tom calmly drove away in the family car, only to crash it into a power pole nearby.
When police arrived at the Kosberg home, they discovered the bodies of the family members, with the murder weapon left leaning against the kitchen stove. The house was a mess.
Tom was quickly found and arrested, and his demeanor stunned investigators; he was described as calm and neatly dressed, showing little emotion in the wake of his unimaginable crime.
The court ruled that he was not guilty by reason of insanity, and Thomas was shipped off to Riverview.
He was released 12 years later, in 1977. He was 27.
In his early 30s, he met and married his wife Maggie, and was able to secure a job for the next 30 years at Vancouver Children's Hospital

vANCOUVER sUN, https://evelazarus.com/

Vancouver Police Muesum photo
New Evidence
There has actually been some new evidence-style light on this case 59 years later.
The pathologist found NO bromide or barbituates in the bodies, showing that they were in fact not drugged prior to their murder. (also showing that it was long enough from ingestion to death to be considered pre-mediated)
No interviews with witnesses were recorded, just a simple time stamp of how long each one was spoken to.
The home was normally very neat and tidy yet when police arrived almost every room was disheveled, with debris and odd placements of items like shampoo and beer bottles.
From 4 am (estimated time of death) to 7:45 am (the time the call was placed to RCMP there is no record of what Tom was doing, what had happened, or record of if those questions were asked.
Tom had been reported to have attempted to contact his therapist, stating he did something “Awful” showing remorse not in line with his diagnosis.
As it was noted he was upset, complaining of tummy issues and falling asleep while being interviewed. Contrary to the original published accounts.
The fact Florence admitted to being there but said no thanks to any police interview or statements.
Tom was never placed under clinical, or evaluations at Riverview, just admitted until fit. He was also never given any record, and is why he was able to get a job at the very hospital where his sister was treated after the murders. I will also note his Obituary is off-putting.
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